Sunday, February 15, 2009

My First Blog!

Here is my 2nd attempt at my first blog.  The first one I made somehow got deleted... I decided to start blogging after reading my good friend Billy's blog about his running journeys.  He actually helped me decide on the name and pretty much everything else on here because I am so indecisive. My blogs are going to very random and probably will jump from point to point and then back to the first point again, I blame this on my ADHD. 

I am currently having a beer and watching my sunday night TV (I watch a lot of TV shows): Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters.  I am at my home away from home with my wifey Heather.  Heather is the lady I nanny for.  The Herr's (Heather, Jeff, Sky, Syd and Shay) are my Cincinnati family! If you have ever had a conversation with me, you probably know that I am from St. Louis and have 3 brothers (Billy, Tommy, and Danny) and 2 great parents: Bill and Barb.  That was just a little background on my family.

I am going to try and blog as often as I can, I have a feeling I am going to get addicted to this. I hope that this was a good first blog! O ps I am going to Mardi Gras in 6 days!!! It is going to be crazy, I am going with Brittani, Cis and Sarah!!

Talk to you soon,


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on starting a running blog!! Blogs will help you keep yourself accountable to your training. I've just subscribed to Billy's blog too and will follow his and your blog regularly. Strive to run within your own ability and don't be pushed by siblings to do more than you can do.
